Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate

So it's interesting to me how people react to other people's decisions. Sometimes it's exactly how we expect them to react, and sometimes it's exactly the opposite. When and how do we draw the line on what to think and say about others' actions? And do we even have a say in others' lives?

On a sad episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 last night, Jon and Kate openly admitted to their as-of-yesterday divorce. Heartbreaking is the only thing that comes to my mind. If only they would've listened to exactly what God wants for them, which I'm certain was not divorce, and openly admit on camera as they have every other detail of their life that God's plan was the only plan for them. Do I think their decision was wrong?-No. Do I think they could have made a better decision and worked things out if for nothing but the sake of their kids?-Yes. Should I really have a say in their lives?-Absolutely not. Will I continue to pray for their family in hopes that this one decision doesn't ruin even one person in that family?-Absolutely yes.

It's just frustrating to me how a family so blessed as that can let the single and beginning source of that entire family diminish as if nothing would be wrong. To state my side, I side and grieve with Kate who basically has been left with most responsibility for the kids, and who Jon is blaming for the split, which clearly is both of their fault. I guess I'm just frustrated watching such a beautiful, once Godly marriage and family fall to pieces because of immaturity and frustration.

I suppose it will never be my place to say exactly how I feel about this very open relationship of Jon and Kate, first because I have no part in their relationship, second because I would now be extremely hypocritical, and third because unlike what another blog I wrote states, judgment of others is completely wrong, impossible to avoid, but very wrong. I possibly will never fully figure out life as hard and as surely as I try to. One reason being that I am simply a teenager who lets her emotions get ahead of her logic. Another being that if I do figure everything out, I would be a sad and depressed human. I don't like being judged and perceived a certain way by others, so I'm doing my best to not do the same to them.

It's difficult balancing this now hectic world, and finding balance seems almost impossible in most points of life. I need friends, family, obligations, plans, God, and music to fill every part of me, which I don't always fill. At this point I'm taking life one day at a time, praising God for allowing me one more day, and making the most of what I have. Because if Job can do it, I can. If David can do it, I can. If Paul can do it, I can. I can make it through anything. (Phil. 4:13) If only Jon and Kate could remember that.

I leave you with a special re-cap of what Jon and Kate once spoke of their love and life story together, with a reminder to anyone who decides to let go of something they once held close to their heart to leave it completely in God's hands and move forward with their lives. Here's to Jon and Kate, the parents of a very blessed family and to people who are like myself finding a new place in their life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU-R0R9PZR8