Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Emotions Running High

So you could say for the past few weeks, a lot has happened to make me go crazy. Things that put my already impatient personality even further into, well I don't really know exactly, but let's just say for time's sake that I've just about cracked 3 or 4 times. So let's make a list of just exactly what made me so: stressed-insane-hysterical (just to name a few).

1. When teachers decide after coming back from a long break to not give their students very much homework, don't take that as a new routine because trust me when they start to pile it on, you just about want to cry.
2. My choir director is a very respectable and intelligent woman who knows what she's doing. Until she loses it and starts to make absolutely no sense and takes all of her emotions out on poor innocent students who just want to sing and have fun. I promise that most of last week my fellow classmates and I questioned her sanity many times. But this doesn't mean I don't still respect her and her judgements, it just makes me wonder what in the heck is going on in that seemingly chaotic brain of hers. Hmm, something to ponder about...
3. Men. Boys. The male race in general. Now don't start thinking I'm some womens advocate or feminist and that I will never marry because I don't think I need a man to help me, yada yada yada. But when you are surrounded by men who can't make up their minds on what to eat if their lives depended on it, and men who are so disrespectful that they won't even accept the smallest form of gratitude or communication from you, and men who are just flat out stupid and only think about their problems for how long it takes to say Pocahontas, and men who deceive others and make you realize how thankful you are for the small amount of good men currently in your life, then you'll realize what I have to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I'm a young woman who will have the opportunity to love a man with all of my heart someday and can love the sensible men in her life now, but seriously will these other idiotic jerks ever grow up? Let me ask whoever reads these to please answer that for me, and hopefully by then I won't be so bitter about this whole situation. =]
4. I've had a lot of angry thoughts lately and I think it's just because I have the wrong attitude about a lot of things, but in order for me to mature responsibly and to maintain the Christ-like attitude I want, I know I have to change. And what saddens me the most about this is that I can't bring myself to blame myself for feeling this way, and it makes me wonder if I need to slow down and breathe and just be thankful for what I've been blessed with.
5. A student at our school just passed away in a tragic suicide, and I've thought a lot about how that might be a sign, or something of the sort, from God telling Christians of the importance of maintaining healthy relationships, but also of our purpose to love one another and share Christ with those who are lost. And I've been praying for something to shake me and my school up, and I think this is the perfect opportunity for that. What this world needs most is Jesus, and it is absolutely heartbreaking to see how bad that fact truly is. So I've challenged myself and my friends in First Priority(a new Christian group we started at my school earlier this semester) to make one of our most important goals to love on everyone and show them that there are people out there who care, and to tell as many of those people that our love comes from God.
6. I have officially had my first wreck. It wasn't as bad as I thought my first wreck would be because I only backed into someone and the damages on my car were easily repaired by my Mr. Fix-It dad, but I feel that I have lost a bit of my dignity in this. Of course my family and friends had to rag on me for it, which made it even worse, but I'm a much more cautious driver now, thankfully. So I just want to say I'm terribly sorry, Phillip (the man I ran into), and thank you dad for making one of my stresses go away pretty fast.
7. Weight loss. Not as easy as I thought. I've seen improvements in the past month from my new workout routine, and I can feel myself getting stronger, but I'm still not satisfied. But then again, are we ever truly satisfied? Anyways, I'll be updating you on my progress throughout these next few months. Prom and Hawaii, I hope you're ready for the new and improved: Hot Emily!! =]
8. Now that I've gotten back into the routine I'm used to, I'm feeling my stress peel away one layer at a time, and I'm looking forward to seeing what this last semester as a Junior brings me. Maybe by the time summer gets here, I'll have my emotions in check.... HA, okay maybe not completely, but hey thats what makes me, me.
I leave you with an encouraging piece of scripture that has helped me these past 2 days.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
- 1 Peter 5:7