Friday, July 31, 2009

Beauty in Servanthood

Beautiful things in life come in many different forms. Beauty is most referred to be found in people's appearances, nature, and physical aspects of life. One thing many forget about is the beauty of one's heart, which is where true beauty is found.(John 7:24) Examining the inner-self is one of the most difficult things to do because one finds that it is filled with the sinful nature we were born with, (thanks Eve). As a Christian, I am called to defy ever sinful temptation and stand up and act upon what the Word of the Lord calls me to do. All Christians must act as disciples and preach the Word of God, but also shine as lights with the true beauty we all possess to love on one another and non-believers just as Christ loves us.

All of that is a lot to take in. Simple?-yes; Difficult?-only if you make it. Thank you Bryan, Karina, and Austin for making my idiot mind finally realize exactly what I've been missing about Christian life for 17 years. It has been in front of my face the whole time, I just couldn't let myself see clearly enough to figure that out. Serving this summer has been like no other way of serving I've experienced before. I've learned exactly what it means to serve: love God, and love others. Praise God that I finally registered that! How have I missed that, I have no honest idea. God just meant for this to be the time and place for my heart to finally truly desire all of what He asks me and all Christians to be. So now that the lightbulb has finally gone off, I have to admit the nervous emotions I now possess. What if I can't be selfless enough to complete the tasks at hand? What if I become sucked back into the routine I've been used to and I refuse to let my priorities be different? What if I lack the preparation of my heart to be able to do even a teensy bit of what I'm called to do?

To all of those questions and the many more I have, I know God is saying "Forget them and do as I say." Being a true servant of the Lord requires all of that and much more, and I just want to officially have the faith and perserverance to let God take me and use me. I don't care where anymore, I don't care how anymore, and I really don't care when. I just want to be used. So I'm saying to you readers that this blog is a special one for today. It's more of a prayer and presentation of how I am changing my heart to be closer to where it needs to be. Am I certain I can do everything the Lord wants for me?-no; Does that mean that I'll stop believing and give up the faith to try and finish them?-no; Will I finally ground my heart and mind in the Word and speak to the one who is dying to hear from me everyday because He sent His Son to die for me?-Absolutely and positively yes!

An amazing month this has been, and I'm looking forward to making this year one of the best of my life. I'll be praying that it doesn't stop after this year, and that I desire and grow even more towards Jesus for I know that He will never fail me. And He is the most beautiful thing I find in my inner self. That beauty is exactly what I want to find. Will you let that be the same for you?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate

So it's interesting to me how people react to other people's decisions. Sometimes it's exactly how we expect them to react, and sometimes it's exactly the opposite. When and how do we draw the line on what to think and say about others' actions? And do we even have a say in others' lives?

On a sad episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 last night, Jon and Kate openly admitted to their as-of-yesterday divorce. Heartbreaking is the only thing that comes to my mind. If only they would've listened to exactly what God wants for them, which I'm certain was not divorce, and openly admit on camera as they have every other detail of their life that God's plan was the only plan for them. Do I think their decision was wrong?-No. Do I think they could have made a better decision and worked things out if for nothing but the sake of their kids?-Yes. Should I really have a say in their lives?-Absolutely not. Will I continue to pray for their family in hopes that this one decision doesn't ruin even one person in that family?-Absolutely yes.

It's just frustrating to me how a family so blessed as that can let the single and beginning source of that entire family diminish as if nothing would be wrong. To state my side, I side and grieve with Kate who basically has been left with most responsibility for the kids, and who Jon is blaming for the split, which clearly is both of their fault. I guess I'm just frustrated watching such a beautiful, once Godly marriage and family fall to pieces because of immaturity and frustration.

I suppose it will never be my place to say exactly how I feel about this very open relationship of Jon and Kate, first because I have no part in their relationship, second because I would now be extremely hypocritical, and third because unlike what another blog I wrote states, judgment of others is completely wrong, impossible to avoid, but very wrong. I possibly will never fully figure out life as hard and as surely as I try to. One reason being that I am simply a teenager who lets her emotions get ahead of her logic. Another being that if I do figure everything out, I would be a sad and depressed human. I don't like being judged and perceived a certain way by others, so I'm doing my best to not do the same to them.

It's difficult balancing this now hectic world, and finding balance seems almost impossible in most points of life. I need friends, family, obligations, plans, God, and music to fill every part of me, which I don't always fill. At this point I'm taking life one day at a time, praising God for allowing me one more day, and making the most of what I have. Because if Job can do it, I can. If David can do it, I can. If Paul can do it, I can. I can make it through anything. (Phil. 4:13) If only Jon and Kate could remember that.

I leave you with a special re-cap of what Jon and Kate once spoke of their love and life story together, with a reminder to anyone who decides to let go of something they once held close to their heart to leave it completely in God's hands and move forward with their lives. Here's to Jon and Kate, the parents of a very blessed family and to people who are like myself finding a new place in their life.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In the back of my mind, but the front of my heart

So I've never officially been torn between two things badly enough that it makes my stomach ache. But then again, I've never really been torn between two things that were life altering before. How do people figure out what they really want out of life? I know the best thing is always prayer, but I guess my impatient personality just can't always handle the wait for God's guidance. So how do I decide between what my heart is telling me to go for, but my mind is telling me to hold back?

Example: I read an article in the New York Times the other day about a banker who had lost his job because of the economy a few months ago. In his recently acquired spare time he took up a lost art that he had given up during college in order to pursue his "get rich quick" and "fabulous lifestyle" of a finance researcher.(Ironic much?) This lost art that he re-discovered during this period of unemployment was a dream that he gave up in order to secure his future.(Ironic...again) Turns out the guy was an undiscovered pianist who had the mind of a genius when it came to theory and any sort of music history. He is now playing for a show that is to open in the fall at the Metropolitan Opera.

As encouraging and as inspirational a story like this is, real life doesn't always happen like that. Okay so maybe I am being a sort of Debbie-Downer, but realistically how often do things like this really happen? So if you possess an amazing talent with potential to be something great, should you take it and pray that God's plan for you entitles what you hope it does, or do you take the safer route and choose a secure plan for your life filled with opportunities to change the course if ever need be?

Yea, yea I know how dumb this sounds coming from a 17 year old high school student with plenty of years left ahead of her, but honestly life is short and I am blessed enough to be given opportunities like I never dreamed of being offered, so how can you blame me for wanting to take them? Maybe someday(hopefully soon, God :) ) I will figure out exactly what my purpose,(as far as a career or lifestyle goes), really is and I can be comfortable. Then again, as a Christian I am never to truly be comfortable.

So in all of this very vague and confusing rambling, I still ask the difficult question: How do I know exactly what to do when life requires me to make a decision?
And I would hope every answer to that would be: "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."-Matthew 7:7
Or some answer close to that. :)

In the meantime, I will continue to pray and be torn between my logic and my romantic aspects of my personality. Because I never can listen to either one or the other. Darn Mrs. Baxter for making my thinking never being the same again! That's just complex me though. Complex Emily. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An act or instance of judging.

Judgment-the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion; as from circumstances presented to the mind

We all know what judging others or things is. It's a simple thought that enters one's mind about what he or she thinks about something else. So as we grow up we are constantly told that judging others is wrong and it will only lead us to worse places than we already are. By the definition written above, is the definition of judgment that society has told us our entire lives really the horrible judgment that everyone fears from others, or is it just a simple human quality that everyone possesses and will never fade until the earth ceases to exist?

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, the narrator Nick Carraway mentions several times in the story what his father told him about judging others because he would never understand exactly what made others choose the choices that they make. Nick internally battles with this throughout his time in New York. As the story continues, Nick encounters many people whose judgments cause him to judge them as well, but influence him to discover the worths of life as well as the grievances. As complicated as this is, this is simply a fact of life. Judgments occur everyday, in everyone's life, in everyone's mind. That's just how it goes. May I ask then why our society continually frowns upon judging others? I'm not saying that bad judgments are morally right, because, duh, they're not, but if we didn't have judgment then wouldn't we all be considered the same?

Example: Just the other day I was with a few friends as we went through racks and racks of clothes and dresses looking for a few things that would absolutely look smashing on us. I love my friends, but sometimes I wonder what in the heck they are thinking. Some chose adorable little outfits, shoes, and jewelry, while a few others chose some hideous monstrosities of clothing that should be banned from all society. My point is that my judgment on what all of my friends chose to purchase that day was different from everyone elses. That action or thought is what makes the world go round.

Everyone is unique in their own special way, (some more than others but let's not get into that right now), and I've personally grown to accept that more than I used to. I've always know God created all humans with their own specifications and that no one is the same, but as I grow older I see it more and more and I love that fact. I love walking down the halls of school and seeing personalities expressed in ways I would never dream of attempting, I see ideas displayed in ways that I would never have thought of, but most of all I see judgments being put to the test in places and in lives that need them more than ever.

So in all this mumbo jumbo of life, I ask that the next time you see someone with a spiky purple mohawk or an old couple walking in the park holding hands and looking as content as could be, that you just take a moment to ponder anything that comes to mind about those situations. Then let them go. As much as people like to judge, and as comfortable or risky as judgments come, judgments are as easy to go away.

That's what society needs to learn. Judgments come with differences, likenesses, and acceptances. Sometimes those judgments need to be swept away for the sake of kindness, humility and just plain manners. But sometimes those judgments need to be presented, because in the reality of life, everyone needs a second opinion.
Because without forming opinions or conclusions from circumstances presented in the mind then this world would be a very robotic place. Rather judgmental, don't you think?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Emotions Running High

So you could say for the past few weeks, a lot has happened to make me go crazy. Things that put my already impatient personality even further into, well I don't really know exactly, but let's just say for time's sake that I've just about cracked 3 or 4 times. So let's make a list of just exactly what made me so: stressed-insane-hysterical (just to name a few).

1. When teachers decide after coming back from a long break to not give their students very much homework, don't take that as a new routine because trust me when they start to pile it on, you just about want to cry.
2. My choir director is a very respectable and intelligent woman who knows what she's doing. Until she loses it and starts to make absolutely no sense and takes all of her emotions out on poor innocent students who just want to sing and have fun. I promise that most of last week my fellow classmates and I questioned her sanity many times. But this doesn't mean I don't still respect her and her judgements, it just makes me wonder what in the heck is going on in that seemingly chaotic brain of hers. Hmm, something to ponder about...
3. Men. Boys. The male race in general. Now don't start thinking I'm some womens advocate or feminist and that I will never marry because I don't think I need a man to help me, yada yada yada. But when you are surrounded by men who can't make up their minds on what to eat if their lives depended on it, and men who are so disrespectful that they won't even accept the smallest form of gratitude or communication from you, and men who are just flat out stupid and only think about their problems for how long it takes to say Pocahontas, and men who deceive others and make you realize how thankful you are for the small amount of good men currently in your life, then you'll realize what I have to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I'm a young woman who will have the opportunity to love a man with all of my heart someday and can love the sensible men in her life now, but seriously will these other idiotic jerks ever grow up? Let me ask whoever reads these to please answer that for me, and hopefully by then I won't be so bitter about this whole situation. =]
4. I've had a lot of angry thoughts lately and I think it's just because I have the wrong attitude about a lot of things, but in order for me to mature responsibly and to maintain the Christ-like attitude I want, I know I have to change. And what saddens me the most about this is that I can't bring myself to blame myself for feeling this way, and it makes me wonder if I need to slow down and breathe and just be thankful for what I've been blessed with.
5. A student at our school just passed away in a tragic suicide, and I've thought a lot about how that might be a sign, or something of the sort, from God telling Christians of the importance of maintaining healthy relationships, but also of our purpose to love one another and share Christ with those who are lost. And I've been praying for something to shake me and my school up, and I think this is the perfect opportunity for that. What this world needs most is Jesus, and it is absolutely heartbreaking to see how bad that fact truly is. So I've challenged myself and my friends in First Priority(a new Christian group we started at my school earlier this semester) to make one of our most important goals to love on everyone and show them that there are people out there who care, and to tell as many of those people that our love comes from God.
6. I have officially had my first wreck. It wasn't as bad as I thought my first wreck would be because I only backed into someone and the damages on my car were easily repaired by my Mr. Fix-It dad, but I feel that I have lost a bit of my dignity in this. Of course my family and friends had to rag on me for it, which made it even worse, but I'm a much more cautious driver now, thankfully. So I just want to say I'm terribly sorry, Phillip (the man I ran into), and thank you dad for making one of my stresses go away pretty fast.
7. Weight loss. Not as easy as I thought. I've seen improvements in the past month from my new workout routine, and I can feel myself getting stronger, but I'm still not satisfied. But then again, are we ever truly satisfied? Anyways, I'll be updating you on my progress throughout these next few months. Prom and Hawaii, I hope you're ready for the new and improved: Hot Emily!! =]
8. Now that I've gotten back into the routine I'm used to, I'm feeling my stress peel away one layer at a time, and I'm looking forward to seeing what this last semester as a Junior brings me. Maybe by the time summer gets here, I'll have my emotions in check.... HA, okay maybe not completely, but hey thats what makes me, me.
I leave you with an encouraging piece of scripture that has helped me these past 2 days.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
- 1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Explanations..too much trouble.

So here I am minding my own business doing the weekly check-up on Facebook and yes, even Myspace, when I stumble along a few of my close relatives' blogs, which I had neglected before as just a simple way for them to talk about their lives. After reading several posts I decided, "You know, I think I need one of those!" They seemed like such a great way for me to write anything I wanted, which I'm always desperate for because my school doesn't provide much opportunity for me to get out my creative writing, or let's just face it, plain writing skills. So to explain my continual rambling I, (an easily persuaded teenager), was persuaded to start a blog. Here it is, and as humorous as it may be to some, I would hope others would respect it as my own personal way to just be Emily.

Now after my life-altering decision to start this infamous "blog", I feel the need to explain several events that have happened in my life throughout the past couple of weeks.

Explanation 1:
I, Emily Taylor, did not or will ever decide to follow in others' footsteps to appear or obtain qualities similar to those which I have chosen to pursue. In other words, in making this new blog I'm not trying to copy anyone, okay? Although I find that this is a new way to get out my feelings, (and everything else that comes with it), I also see this as a way to really let people see that I'm not just a hormonal, immature 16 year old girl, but that I actually know what I'm talking about or doing once in a while.

So, in conclusion, please try to see my point of view before making any harsh judgements, simple enough?

Explanation 2:
I just finished reading probably the most commercialized series of tween books(besides Harry Potter) over the Christmas break, and while I find them completely demoralizing in the intellectual level required to read the series, Twilight captured my attention way more than a book had in a long time. Its story was full of fictional and mesmorizing characters that took me more out of reality than I had been in a long time. But now that I have completed the 4 book series and am anxiously waiting for the 5th to debut, I have to face the reality that I was dealt in God's deck of cards, and thank God that I have the faith I have to pull myself out of the imagination Stephenie Meyer created for millions of devout readers. So in other words: yes I did conform to a sensation that swept over my school, and thousands (I'm only assuming) all across the country; but fear not for now I have forced myself to read something of value to regain my dignity lost in a comfy red chair sat in and made a permanent residence in while I took in all of Ms. Meyer's almost moronic words over the holidays. Word of advice, try not to make your holiday goal to read, it just makes it less stressful.

Explanation 3:
This past Saturday I spent all day in a high school cafeteria anxiously waiting to hear numbers after numbers, and names after names all for a stinking trip to San Antonio. Okay so can you say bitter much? Yes you can, because I am just that. Very bitter and angry and relieved and disappointed and remorseful and yes I am writing all of these adjectives without using commas (fyi, it's for dramatic effect). And you can add to these feelings many more. Why, do you ask, can one person feel this way over one thing. Well when you feel like you've spent almost 8 months of your life preparing for one audition lasting under 3 minutes, you'll understand why. All-State. Stupid, if you want my opinion. Why? It's just a way for a few adults to make kids feel worthless because they can't compare to some others who had a little better of a day. So my explanation to this is that even though I am being rather selfish and, did I mention, bitter about this one day(oh, btw I didn't make the All-State choir), that in time I will move on to more important things and realize that experience makes all the difference in no matter what you do. I guess what my explanation is for is to explain that I'm trying my best to be a big person and move on, and I'm praying every day for God to give my grace and patience enough to do it.

Explanation 4:
I'm kind of sick of explaining things for tonight, plus the fact that I have a little homework to finish, but to ease your mind I'll explain one major thing I've learned the past couple of weeks. Family is one of the most important things to keep close in your life. Aside from your relationship with God, your relationships with your family members can either make you or break you in the game of life. I've made it one of my goals for 2009 to spend as much time as I can appreciating, caring, and just loving on my family, because they're the greatest blessing God has given me to get through hard times.

So, in conclusion to this detailed overview explaining a small selection of events in my life, I've decided this blog thing was totally worth it. Who cares if I'm made fun of for it? I'm almost hooked on it, and when I get hooked on something trust me I put all I can into it.

Look out for a new edition of the "Emily Thoughts", or whatever you would like to call them, and until then, enjoy this little clip of Mr. George W. Bush's finer moments in life.