Thursday, January 15, 2009

Explanations..too much trouble.

So here I am minding my own business doing the weekly check-up on Facebook and yes, even Myspace, when I stumble along a few of my close relatives' blogs, which I had neglected before as just a simple way for them to talk about their lives. After reading several posts I decided, "You know, I think I need one of those!" They seemed like such a great way for me to write anything I wanted, which I'm always desperate for because my school doesn't provide much opportunity for me to get out my creative writing, or let's just face it, plain writing skills. So to explain my continual rambling I, (an easily persuaded teenager), was persuaded to start a blog. Here it is, and as humorous as it may be to some, I would hope others would respect it as my own personal way to just be Emily.

Now after my life-altering decision to start this infamous "blog", I feel the need to explain several events that have happened in my life throughout the past couple of weeks.

Explanation 1:
I, Emily Taylor, did not or will ever decide to follow in others' footsteps to appear or obtain qualities similar to those which I have chosen to pursue. In other words, in making this new blog I'm not trying to copy anyone, okay? Although I find that this is a new way to get out my feelings, (and everything else that comes with it), I also see this as a way to really let people see that I'm not just a hormonal, immature 16 year old girl, but that I actually know what I'm talking about or doing once in a while.

So, in conclusion, please try to see my point of view before making any harsh judgements, simple enough?

Explanation 2:
I just finished reading probably the most commercialized series of tween books(besides Harry Potter) over the Christmas break, and while I find them completely demoralizing in the intellectual level required to read the series, Twilight captured my attention way more than a book had in a long time. Its story was full of fictional and mesmorizing characters that took me more out of reality than I had been in a long time. But now that I have completed the 4 book series and am anxiously waiting for the 5th to debut, I have to face the reality that I was dealt in God's deck of cards, and thank God that I have the faith I have to pull myself out of the imagination Stephenie Meyer created for millions of devout readers. So in other words: yes I did conform to a sensation that swept over my school, and thousands (I'm only assuming) all across the country; but fear not for now I have forced myself to read something of value to regain my dignity lost in a comfy red chair sat in and made a permanent residence in while I took in all of Ms. Meyer's almost moronic words over the holidays. Word of advice, try not to make your holiday goal to read, it just makes it less stressful.

Explanation 3:
This past Saturday I spent all day in a high school cafeteria anxiously waiting to hear numbers after numbers, and names after names all for a stinking trip to San Antonio. Okay so can you say bitter much? Yes you can, because I am just that. Very bitter and angry and relieved and disappointed and remorseful and yes I am writing all of these adjectives without using commas (fyi, it's for dramatic effect). And you can add to these feelings many more. Why, do you ask, can one person feel this way over one thing. Well when you feel like you've spent almost 8 months of your life preparing for one audition lasting under 3 minutes, you'll understand why. All-State. Stupid, if you want my opinion. Why? It's just a way for a few adults to make kids feel worthless because they can't compare to some others who had a little better of a day. So my explanation to this is that even though I am being rather selfish and, did I mention, bitter about this one day(oh, btw I didn't make the All-State choir), that in time I will move on to more important things and realize that experience makes all the difference in no matter what you do. I guess what my explanation is for is to explain that I'm trying my best to be a big person and move on, and I'm praying every day for God to give my grace and patience enough to do it.

Explanation 4:
I'm kind of sick of explaining things for tonight, plus the fact that I have a little homework to finish, but to ease your mind I'll explain one major thing I've learned the past couple of weeks. Family is one of the most important things to keep close in your life. Aside from your relationship with God, your relationships with your family members can either make you or break you in the game of life. I've made it one of my goals for 2009 to spend as much time as I can appreciating, caring, and just loving on my family, because they're the greatest blessing God has given me to get through hard times.

So, in conclusion to this detailed overview explaining a small selection of events in my life, I've decided this blog thing was totally worth it. Who cares if I'm made fun of for it? I'm almost hooked on it, and when I get hooked on something trust me I put all I can into it.

Look out for a new edition of the "Emily Thoughts", or whatever you would like to call them, and until then, enjoy this little clip of Mr. George W. Bush's finer moments in life.